Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Funny wedding music activities

The music is the many components of marriage as food and drink. Can a wedding without music, but that may be a bit dull and quiet. So if you are a band to life full, a String Quartet, DJ spinning tunes or burn music on a boombox, must be specified.

But the music is not just for dancing. There are a number of tasks that can be scheduled around the music of the fun at your wedding adds an element.

Game of musical chairs is a popular idea. Of course it is a fun, kid's Club and you not your guests in any way want to offend, but it is possible some fun with this version of the journey to Jerusalem. The President can be anything from a row in the table, the food sitting on the floor, if you think that it for guests on the ground sitting open (and had to get up again). Enjoy is an option to use people as a place - kneeling on the floor with one knee on the ground and other trends. Sitting women playing on her knees men travel to Jerusalem. If a man or a woman, are only a few, to a partner link.

Some brides and grooms want to play musical chairs in the middle of the table, so many guests home. Give a number of centers and the price of the person who has the songs that each table Chair music to play, until the left foot of the people is what penetrates the core.

What such a "name that tune" game? This is a game, this is the best more small for weddings, intimate, where everyone knows that the bride and groom. Before the wedding, you plan a wedding with a list of favorite numbers of bride and groom someone. Create a CD of his songs and then take a game of "name that the tune". Guests can be divided into teams and played only a small piece of each song.

After hearing the first guests can make an "offer", how fast can the name of the song. So a group can tell songs can call, while other groups of 5 seconds to say in 10 seconds. Once a group has doubled, the other group "name that tune". This is a fun game, as all stakeholders and particularly delighted with his girlfriend.

Depending on the style of the wedding many games which you can play to the bride and groom on the dance floor there to get. Now, if there is a very large and very elegant, this option does not work, because there is a certain decency to maintain, but casual, fun, focused on the family marriage of this game can be fun.

If guests "would call the couple on the dance floor", asks me before on the track of dance and Hula Hoop or do put their own version of the dance break. Comments that have many options sometimes "for the couple to kiss do" is another way get involved and fun funny memories of the wedding for the bride and groom.

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